Getting Here
There are several ways to travel to the Show which hopefully enables you to leave the car at home this year:
By Cycle
Cycle to the Show! There will be a managed crossing of SH6 to link up the Queenstown Trails from Lake Hayes Estate & Shotover Country to the Lake Hayes Track. The crossing point is just near the junction with McDowell Drive. Follow the trail towards the Pavilion, there will be an Entry Gate on the lake side of the Pavilion and a dedicated cycle parking area at the Rowing Club and Pavillion at the Show.
By Shuttle Bus
NEW FREE Park and Ride Shuttle bus from the Crown Pub & Beer Garden carpark at Five Mile Shopping Centre. Collect a NZSki bus from the main carpark in front of the Crown direct to the main gate of the Lake Hayes A&P Showgrounds.
Buses leaving from 9am until 5pm on a continual return loop to the showgrounds.
By Public Bus
Take the Orbus
By Car
Please note, there is very limited parking at the venue so we strongly encourage you to travel to the Show using one of these methods. Carparking at the Show is $10 per car.